Tag Archives: leica

featured image for the huawei p40 blogpost. Man holding celebratory fist in the air.

The King is Dead, Long Live the King!

Last week saw the launch of the new Huawei P40 range. As in the past, it sports three versions: The Pro, the “normal” and the Lite. As we would expect Huawei has once again smashed it out of the park with their camera, and their collaboration with Leica Lens continues to deliver, in my opinion, […]

Get 20/20 imagery with the Huawei P20 #seemooore

Whenever there is a new phone launch I tend to reserve my excitement until I have given a phone a good spin. I mean, what more could a new phone launch offer? I recently got to take the Huawei P20 for a test. My expectations were sky high and to be fair my first impressions […]